Marketing strategy for online business

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6 Online Marketing Strategies for your eCommerce Store, How to Boost Your Business Revenue!

Marketing strategy is important for online selling. When eCommerce sales are skyrocketing, there are many players in the market. Thus, preparing an overall business game plan for business growth is mandatory for online sellers as it will be a result in business revenue. In this blog, Chris will present to you 6 Marketing Strategies for online business to achieve your sales goal.

1. Marketing Strategy: Find Your Target Audience

find your target audience for online business

Before figuring it out how to sell online, you need to find your target customer base, a group of people you plan to sell your products and services to, because each target group needs a different way of sales presentation and business strategy to reach them.

2. Marketing Strategy: Build Your Brand Identity

build your brand identity for online business

With millions of businesses trying to make a name for themselves, having a strong brand identity is important for businesses to differentiate themselves from competitors, and provide the main components that help make their brands recognizable. In a competitive market, brand identity is an important component that makes your brand stand out.

Take Jhajing Fashion Accessories shop as an example: the seller develops a unique brand identity by using humor in storytelling, product narrative, and communicating with customers. You can see that creating a unique character can help distance you from the competitors and increase sales in your online selling shop!

3. Marketing Strategy: Take Advantage of Social Media Platforms

use social media platform for online business

Social media plays an important role in business. You can use a platform to market your brand and engage with audience. In general, people are more likely to use more than one social media platform. So, preparing your business to be in various social media platforms, such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Viber, Instagram, eCommerce applications, etc., to increase the opportunity to reach new audiences, and boost your sales in new places.

4. Marketing Strategy: Create the Content for the Right Audience in the Right Platform

create content for the right audience in the right platform

One of the best marketing strategies for online selling is creating effective, high-performing content for their target audience. However, we need to understand how to create contents in different platforms, for example;

  • Facebook Page – Focus on storytelling along with product images or video.
  • Instagram – Focus on product images and short clips with short description about what you are selling, how does your product works, how much it cost, etc.
  • WhatsApp/Viber – Focus on new products, collections, or promotion, etc.
  • Twitter – Focus on short content or product review.

5. Marketing Strategy: Create Campaign and Promotion

create campaign and promotion for online business

Creating campaigns or promotions to attract customers is one of the effective marketing strategies. For online selling, it is easy to be distracted when you see some good deals or promos, such as discounts, buy 1 get 1 free, and free trials. Choosing the right campaigns to reach the right people can help boost your sales.

6. Marketing Strategy: Building Consumer Trust

build consumer trust for online business

One of the effective marketing strategies for online selling is live streaming because it helps you close sales faster, and allows room for authentic communication between you and your audience. Live streaming creates product and service reliability as sellers can feature and demonstrate their products, and customers can have a real-time Q&A with them. Broadcasting live has its challenges especially for beginners. It’s okay to be nervous with your first time going live. Add some practice before you go live and you’ll be good to go. Chris can guarantee that live streaming can help you increase sales revenue.

Check out Boost Sales by Facebook Live, 8 Tools for Live Commerce

How are the marketing strategies that Chris presented to you today? You can adapt this business strategy to your online selling shop so that your company can not only survive but also thrive and meet your customers’ needs during this pivotal time.

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